Transportation planning is the process of looking at the current state of transportation in the region, designing for future transportation needs, and combining all of that with the elements of budgets, goals and policies. It helps shape how a community or city grows by evaluating everything from streets and highways to public transit and bike lanes. It can influence everything from business to recreation to quality of life.

Integrated Transport Plans (ITP)

Land use & development planning

Non-motorised Transport (NMT) planning

Public transport planning

Transport master planning

Transport feasibility studies


Traffic Engineering (a subset of civil engineering) helps to plan, engineer, and define road systems. It ensures that roadways are designed in a safe and efficient way and a driver is provided with all of the necessary information and safety metrics to help ensure that his/her driving experience is safe and efficient.

Transport Impact Assessments (TIA)

Transport Impact Statements (TIS)

Queuing Analysis For Accesses & Intersections

Detailed Traffic Surveys & Assesments

Access Assessments & Layouts

Intersection & Road Network Capacity Analysis

Parking Assessments & Internal Traffic Circulation

Transport Systems Management (TSM)

Conceptual Design

Access Management Plans (AMP)

Accident Studies

Pedestrian & Cycle Facilities